Monday 25 June 2007

Ochi Weekend

Hey id like to thank all those who supported our Children's Rally (Sat) and Crusade @ the Linstead Baptist Church. Both aimed to spread the saving gospel of Jesus Christ under the theme "Jesus Christ Hope for the Hopeless" They were both a blessing.

I unfortunately was not at Children's Rally so when i get more details and pics I'll let you know bout that. I was in Ochi for SACABAYA Exec retreat. Nuff work and nuff fun! Will let you hear more bout them when I get more time to write.


Friday 22 June 2007

Colour Blind

Now they say that dogs are colour blind, and that males don’t know any colour apart from the primary colours. What they do say, is that females see all sorts of different colours like avocado green, rose apple red and sunshine yellow. What I do know is that I’m a female who is not colour blind and the colour of my blog is Purple not Pink! Let me explain it to you. I’m not into the girly pink thing, all the colours on this blog are shades of purple. Purple, that’s bold and beautiful. I just thought I should make this clear because certain people are saying that this blog has a pink theme, No it doesn't its Purple and that’s final!

Now you may say what’s all this uproar for over colour? It’s just a colour. It’s just a social construct, something we have decided to add our own meaning to and can do no harm in and of itself. Its just a colour man, it doesn’t matter! Yet we would be deluded if we say colour doesn’t matter. How many people have died and are still dieing because of the colour of their skin. Oh well, you may say, that's not about colour, that’s racism.

Well what about what is prevalent in some Jamaican constituencies, where people mark their communities with flags of specific colours, orange/red or green. These are not just simply colours, as the meanings ascribed to them are those of affiliation to some political party. So strong is the meaning attached to these colours that someone in a red, yellow or green t-shirt in the 'wrong' community during this 'election season' may end up 'nearer my God to thee'.

So what should we leave with from this discourse? That colour is important? That some people in Jamaican communities mek politics turn dem into idiot? That this blog is purple? (though it is purple) No! What we should leave with is the fact that we have the power! All these things I have noted about colour, it being a social construct and people ascribing meaning to colour, all come back to us the community of human beings, we the individuals. We are the ones who determine what society thinks and the meaning that are ascribed to things.

Would it be naive if we chose to be 'colour blind'? Not like dogs, but like people who make a conscious effort to put aside biases, prejudices and social constructs that seek to divide individuals, and instead deal with individual as persons who are worthy of our interaction for the basic fact that they are human beings!

If we do decide to be 'colour blind' I don’t think we would be alone. Indeed I think this is apart of what we do when we become a part of Gods family. As we are being "renewed in the knowlege of our Creator, ...there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all." Col. 3:11

In light of this if you say this blog is pink and I say this blog it is purple no problem! As one who is daily being renewed I’ll choose to be 'colour blind' :-D


Wednesday 20 June 2007


Have you heard about Spock?

Well I've just recently heard about it. To me it just seems like where a profile about you is placed and you are tagged under various headings which people may use to search for you. A link to the different places they can find you online is also shown on your profile. Currently you can only appear on it through invitation. So i'm on it because i was invited. If you want to be invited to be on it then post a comment and i'll send you an invite i've got a good amount of invites so im sure all who comment will be able to get one :-D

Here is a feel of what you'll see on a profile:-

So thats Spock according to me.

Mission Conference

The Jamaica Baptist Union Mission Agency (JBUMA) will be hosting its Mission Conference on Wednesday October 24, 2007 – Sunday October 28, 2007 at the Holiday Inn, SunSpree Resort, Montego Bay, Jamaica West Indies. All the information you need to know about this can be found here. For all those interested in missions (like me) this should prove a wonderful experience!

Now you dun know since the venue is a hotel it gonna be pricey $$$ So the cheapest, a mean, most economical option, would be the day pass for US$70 right? Wrong! If you take a quadruple occupancy room each of the four persons in the room would pay US$80, that's just US$10 more than the day pass with all the benefits! Thus more economical :-D This is also chea.. ahem, more economical than the single occupancy which is US$150.

So here's the thing, I need to find three people who are coming to the conference and are interested in paying US$80 for a room. That's right I need three roommates for this here room! Any takers?

Now don't worry about the fact that the date to register has passed, I've got three free beds that equals to three places at the conference. So email me and let me know if you wanna bunk with me,
Ok roomy :-D

Link me!

Conceited Me

I'd like to think that I'm artistic :-D Here is a poem I wrote that I think is the best poem I've ever written. It depicts an aspect of my life I'm still working on. As I seek to overcome in this respect, I remember Luke 9:23, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." (NIV)

Conceited Me

Lord You see the real Me,
The Me inside.
The Me that I try to decipher.
But that is not all there is to Me.
There is the Me You want me to be.
The Me you have a plan for,
The Me you want to use.

I often wonder about this Me.
When will it be revealed to me?
When will it be discovered?
When will Your grand plan unfold?

Do I think too much of this ME?
The ME I hope for You to reveal to me?
Dreams of this Me being Gods gift to man,
As if Jesus had not already done that----Is that!
Dreams of being someone important in Your Kingdom.
Am I following in the footsteps of James and John,
Wanting to be at Your right and left?
Lord forgive me.

Have You already shown me Your plan
And Ive rejected it as it is not to my liking?
Am I doing something wrong by demanding
that You tell me Your will for My life?
Am I ignoring Your still voice showing me the way?
Is it I who hinders the communication?
Is it the me who is scared and afraid?
Or is it the me who is proud and weak?
The me who knows everything yet nothing.
Is it me, me, me or me?

Could it be that I focus too much on me?
Unable to hear and see You reaching out to me through the needs of others.
Could You be speaking to me right now as I focus on Me?

Written September 1, 2006

Monday 18 June 2007

Blog Editing

Cool, i just edited the section of the sidebar called links to add some of my links to this blog so you guys can view some of the stuff on the web that i view. Hey the editing was a little difficult because my template isn't so user friendly for those of us with limited programming skills.

Anyway here's a breakdown of the links.

First there is Marvia's Panama Journal :- This is a blog by the Rev. Marvia Lawes who is the First Jamaica Baptist Union (JBU) Female Missioner Pastor presently ministering in Panama. Through this blog she chronicles here thoughts and experiences in her new 'home', her insight on current affairs and a host of other information thats great reading. Let me tell you there is never a dull moment on this blog!

Jay's Diary:- This is a blog recently set up by my sis Jay. Though it just has one post now im sure in the near future she'll have so much to share with us through her blog we wont be able to keep up!

Dimario Writes :- That he does! This budding Pastor/Journalist/Teacher/My Friend :-D has posted some of the stuff he's written here. They are worth the read.

JBUYD:- This is the website for the Jamaica Baptist Union Youth Department of which all Jamaican Baptist youth are apart of ( we even adopt some non Jamaicans too right BJ) My vision for this website is that it will keep us abreast of not just JBUYD news but the news of individual Youth Fellowships. It will be a place where youth can come and discuss issues or problems facing youth and come to practical steps forward. Right now its trying the news aspect to an extent, but its early days yet, and with the help of all our vibrant youths it should soon surpass my limited vision.

FiwiVoice :- This is the site to go to make your voice heard as a Christian yute. Its non- denominational and you can find info on whats going on with gospel music in Ja and the dates for gospel events. This site is growing from strength to strength...

My Web Albums :- Well this is pretty self explanatory, its My Web Albums. Here you can see some of the stuff friends and i have done that I've been able to catch on camera. I try to tell a story with each album, but go check it out for yuself.

Ok so those are my links so far. Hope you get to go to them, and when you go, dont forget where your coming from(thats here by the way) k .


Thursday 14 June 2007

A Blog?

Hey all i'm just considering what i've gotten myself into, setting up a blog? Derri are you crazy? Well i realized there are a lot of things i want to share with my friends online and a lot of things id like to get their feed back on and email just not cutting it. So i figured that this would be the ideal place to put all the info i want you guys to see without having to post it in 6 different places on the web. But then there is the challenge of getting you guys to come to view my blog. If you're reading this now praise the Lord that at least one person has seen this :-D

Now what can you expect to find here? Every and Anything! As one of God's pickney (oh 'pickney' is the Jamaican word for child) all that i do daily, the people i interact with and the experiences i have all impact and are due to my status as God's Pickney. So all i put here will deal with my life and if you post, your life as God pickney.

So dats it for now. If you read this just comment and hail me so that i know that ppl actually visiting ma blog :-D

Thanks in advance
