Friday 9 November 2007

Lion or Lamb?

I went to watch the movie Lions for Lambs with a friend (Bj who promised he would write a post about it on his blog- it should be more prolific than my entry here) on Thursday night. I saw the preview and figured it would be a good movie. i was not disappointed. It was one of those movies that caused you to stop, pause for a moment and think. It brings you to a point of introspection, well that's what it did for me. I left the theater uneasy. The good kind of uneasy. The uneasy that challenges you to think more and then do more.

what part do you play in this universe? Are you a mere spectator to life on earth? Another rat in the maze? Are you the lion who fights for change? Or are you one of the many lambs that maintain the satus quo? Are you living up to your potential? Are you all that you can be and if so are you all that God has made you to be?

We all think of these things now and then but what answers do we come up with? And what are our responses to to those answers. Are we complacent with the present comfort or do we strive to be more?

What is your next course of action and how will it make this world a better place?